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Bat Mitzvah Program for Women of All Ages

Are you 11 years old or older?

Do you want a meaningful bat mitzvah experience?

Would you like to study in your home town and celebrate in Jerusalem?
A Torat Reva Bat Mitzvah may be for you.

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Women of all ages who would like to join the program will choose a chavruta (study partner) who they can study with on a regular basis during the year prior to their Bat Mitzvah ceremony in Jerusalem. Torat Reva will provide source materials and guidance as well as mentoring over the phone/internet.

The Bat Mitzvah student is welcome to study her Parsha (weekly portion) or a topic selected with Torat Reva such as Women in Bible, Women in the Mitzvot or Women in the Talmud.

Torat Reva will help coordinate the details of the ceremony in Jerusalem.

When the Bat Mitzvah student arrives in Israel, she will have the opportunity to meet with Torat Reva faculty, sum up her year of study and work on final preparations for her D'var Torah (speech) and ceremony.

This program is open to girls and women of all levels and backgrounds.

This is a great way to connect the love of learning with the love of Israel.

Please This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it   for information concerning fees for this innovative program.

Send a Torat Reva Yerushalayim card to a friend or family member in honor of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. After receivng a card in the mail a Bat- Mitzvah girl from New York sent the following thank you note:

"Thank you so much for your generous donation to Torat Reva Yerushalayim in honor of my Bat-Mitzvah. It doesn't only mean a lot to me,it means a lot to others as well". Click here to send a card.

Women participate in an adult bat mitzvah ceremony
Photo by Mel Halickman