Hoping for a Better Tomorrow

In Parshat Beshalach, we read about how B'nei Yisrael, The Jewish People were saved from the Egyptians after the splitting of the Red Sea. In appreciation, B'nei Yisrael sang Az Yashir, the Song of the Sea (which we recite each morning during the Shacharit service). In Shmot 15:20-21 we read "Miriam the prophetess, sister of Aaron took the drum in her hand; and all of the women followed her with drums and dancing. Miriam led them in the response: "Ashira LaHashem ki gaoh gaah.", "Sing to God for He is most high; horse and its rider He hurled into the sea."

Rashi asks the following three questions:

1. When was it that Miriam prophesied?

2. Where did the women get the drums?

3. How much of the song did Miriam sing and who did she sing it with?

Rashi answers:

1. When was it that Miriam prophesied?

Miraim prophesied when she was Aaron's sister, before Moshe was born. Her prophecy is recounted in the Gemara in Sotah 12b-13a: Miriam said: "My mother is destined to give birth to a son who will save the Jewish people." Once Moshe was born, the entire house was filled with light and her father Amram kissed her on her head. He said: "My daughter, your prophecy has been fulfilled." But once they put Moshe in the (basket in the) river, her father tapped her on the head and said to her, "Where is your prophecy now?" Miriam watched the basket with Moshe in it carefully to see if her prophecy would be fulfilled. Eighty years later, Miriam stood with all of the Jewish people whom her brother Moshe had just taken out of Egypt. Her mother did in fact give birth to a son who saved the Jewish people.

2. Where did the women get their drums?

The righteous women of that generation were sure that God would perform miracles for them so they took drums out of Egypt.

3. How much of the song did Miriam sing and who did she sing it with?

According to Mechilta, Miriam sang the whole song responsively with the women just as Moshe sang the whole song responsively with the men.

We can learn a lot from Miriam and the women of her generation:

  1. Both men and women have the power to be prophets.
  2. Even in the toughest times we must look ahead to a brighter future and plan accordingly.
  3. Our prayers can be enhanced with the use of song, dance, instruments or a combination of them all.

Let's hope and pray for a brighter tomorrow in the Land of Israel and throughout the world.