Honesty is the best policy |
Dedicated in
Memory of Chaim Marks z"l In Parshat Vayeshev, Breisheet 40:60
we read: “And the chief baker saw that he (Yosef) had interpreted (the chief
butler’s dream) well.” How did the chief baker know that
Yosef interpreted the chief butler’s dream accurately? According to Rashbam (quoting the
Talmud, Sotah 9b), true words are recognizable. In the story of Shimshon and Delilah
we see a similar situation. The first three times, Shimshon made up a story of
where he got his strength from and Delilah did not believe him. The fourth time,
he told her that he was a nazir with his strength coming from his hair. At that point, the verse states
(Shoftim 16:18): “Delilah saw that he (Shimshon) had told her all that was in
his heart…” The Talmud, Sotah 9b asks how she
knew that this time Shimshon was telling the truth this time. The Talmud offers two possible
explanations: Rabbi Chanin said in the name of
Rav: True words are recognizable. Rashi comments that she saw that he
never cut his hair or drank wine, so it seemed logical that he was telling the
truth that his strength came from his being a nazir. Abaye said: She knew that the
righteous one (Shimshon) would not utter the Name of Heaven in vain. Since he
said “I am a nazir of God”, she said to herself , “now he is certainly telling
the truth.” Yosef as well invoked the name of
God when he said Breisheet 40:8: “Do not interpretations belong to God?” According to Chizkuni this can be
interpreted to mean that maybe God ordered me to interpret your dreams. Nehama Leibowitz points out that
often the more important, the more profound the truth, the greater the impossibility
of proving it- it bears witness to itself. As the saying goes, “the truth
speaks for itself.” It is not enough to use God’s name
or dress in a religious fashion in order to be accepted as an honest person. Your
reputation precedes you. If a person is legitimate and tells the truth then
they will be looked upon as honest and believed. If they are caught lying- and
liars always get caught one way or another, they will lose their credibility. |