Next Year in the Rebuilt Jerusalem!

The Book of Shmot concludes with the subject of the completion of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) when the Glory of God filled it continuously.


According to Ramban, in his Introduction to the Book of Shmot, the entire Book of Shmot is dedicated to the Egyptian exile. It begins with the names of those who went down to Egypt (even though the names are already mentioned at the end of the Book of Breisheet) since their descent constituted the beginning of the exile.


When B’nai Yisrael left Egypt, even though they came forth from the house of bondage, they were still considered exiles since they were in a land that was not theirs, entangled in the desert.


When they came to Har Sinai and completed the Mishkan, God caused the Divine Presence to dwell again amongst them. They then returned to the status of their fathers. At that point, they were considered redeemed.


The Book of Shmot is concluded with the consummation of the building of the Mishkan and the Glory of God filling it always as it signifies the end of the Egyptian exile.


As Rosh Chodesh Nisan is almost upon us and we prepare for Pesach, we should keep in mind that God used four words of redemption from Egypt, vehotzeiti (I took them out), vehitzalti (I saved them), vigaalti (I redeemed them), vilakachti (I took them) which correspond to the four cups of wine that we drink at the seder.


The word that signifies the fifth cup (Eliyahu’s cup) is Veheveti (I will bring you- to the Land of Israel). The full redemption would only be completed when B’nai Yisrael would bring the Mishkan to the Land of Israel and build the Bet HaMikdash.


We hope and pray that the words that we conclude the seder with “L’Shana HaBa B’Yerushalyim Habnuya”, “Next year in the rebuilt Jerusalem” will be answered speedily in our days.