The Ingathering of the Students

In Parshat Nitzavim we read the words (Devarim 30:3): “God will bring back your returnees and will be merciful toward you; and He will return and gather you from all the peoples that God has dispersed you there.”


This pasuk describes the end of the exile and the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.


This week Midreshet Devora opened its doors to the 2010-2011 students who were literally gathered up from all over- Seattle, Baltimore, New York, Toronto, Cincinnati, Teaneck- students who did not know each other from before, but came with a common goal of learning Torah in Jerusalem.


As Religious Zionists, we are in the beginning days of the redemption. We now see several thousand young men and women coming to study in Israel for a year from all over the world.


When did the “ingathering of the students” begin?


In 1957, Rabbi Zevi Tabory, director of the Torah Education Department of the Jewish Agency sent a few young men to the Hesder Yeshiva, Kerem BeYavne. The following year, Machon Gold, a program for both men and women was established. By 1968 there were about 45 students studying in post high school programs in Israel. In 1969, other Hesder Yeshivot agreed to take students as well.


By the 1990’s about 90% of students graduating from Modern Orthodox day schools came to study in Israel for a year. The numbers are even higher today.


I met my husband, Josh while studying in Israel after high school. Josh is from Montreal and if not for the post high school “ingathering of the students” we may never have met.


The” ingathering of the students” is a step in the direction of the “ingathering of the exiles” as many students decide to stay on in Israel after their year of study or at least have an idea of what it is like to live in Israel in the event that they decide to make aliya one day.